Rabu, 23 April 2014

Matt Harvey's Twitter account disappears after he shares funny but obscene photo

On Tuesday, Mets pitcher Matt Harvey tweeted - then quickly deleted - a photo of himself on a hospital bed for his Tommy John surgery six months ago, making an obscene gesture at the camera. For the Win has edited Harvey's photo for the sake of propriety:

What could be back there?

Soon after deleting the offending Tweet, Harvey's entire Twitter account went missing.

The accompanying text was hardly incendiary. 'I can't believe it's been 6 months already,' Harvey wrote, adding the increasingly popular hashtag, '#tommyjohn.'

To Harvey's credit, he's made no secret of his love for New York City. He is one of the rare ballplayers who braves the taxes to make his offseason home in Manhattan, and he has clashed with the Mets to be able to do his rehab in the city. And in these parts, the gesture's as much a daily greeting as an indication of ill-will.

Seems hardly worth deleting an entire Twitter account over, really. But maybe Harvey figured the headaches he's endured on social media aren't worth the benefit of being able to communicate directly with fans in 140-character bursts.

Maybe he finally decided to, uhh, flip the bird?

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