Senin, 24 November 2014

Instagram believes mobile 'is the new shop window'

On Instagram there is no buy button. The social network only launched advertising in the UK seven weeks ago and the company admits that engaging shoppers on mobile is still in its infancy. Despite that, Instagram's new head of brand development for EMEA, Tracy Yaverbaun, is excited about what's ahead.

'Mobile is now the new shop window and there isn't any disputing that,' she explains at WIRED Retail.

'People are walking into stores with their Instagram feeds and saying 'show me where this is, where can I find this'.'

Brands are everywhere you look on Instagram, with companies using it in increasingly inventive ways to attract new customers and further engage loyal fans. Yaverbaun says that people use apps like Instagram to 'snack' on short-form content. And for Instagram, this snacking is all about inspiring people:

'People were saying that it [Instagram] takes me to a place of inspiration about things I'm passionate about.

'Sixty percent of people that engage on Instagram and platforms like it are actually engaging with people, things and publications that they don't know. People are engaging with people who have unique passions that are similar to their own,' Yaverbaun says.

But how can you turn a follower into a purchaser? According to Yaverbaun it is all about keeping things 'simple and inspirational'. She also places big emphasis on retailers that actively engage with their followers and inspire them.

'We feel like focussing on inspiring people first is the most important thing to do and we'll figure out the rest later.'

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