Selasa, 23 September 2014

US Launches Airstrikes Against ISIS in Syria, News Breaks on Twitter

The U.S. military has launched air attacks on Islamic State forces inside Syrian borders for the first time, a Pentagon official confirmed Monday night.

'U.S. military and partner nation forces are undertaking military action against ISIL terrorists in Syria using a mix of fighter, bomber and Tomahawk Land Attack missiles,' said Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Admiral John Kirby in a statement around 9:40pm ET. 'Given that these operations are ongoing, we are not in a position to provide additional details at this time.'

That wasn't news to one Twitter user, who apparently witnessed the beginning of the strikes more than half an hour before Kirby spoke.

Abdulkader Hariri's tweets, widely shared on the social media service, claimed the airstrikes were taking place over the northern Syrian town of Raqqa:

Breaking: Huge explosions shook the city in what might be the beginning of US airstrikes on ISIS HQs in Raqqa

- Abdulkader Hariri (@3bdUlkaed6r) September 23, 2014

The airstrikes 5/6 concentrated near the 'governorate building' ISIS's main HQ. Meanwhile, sounds of warplanes can be heard clearly

- Abdulkader Hariri (@3bdUlkaed6r) September 23, 2014

Reports of similar airstrikes on Tabga town and brigade 93 in Ein Essa.

- Abdulkader Hariri (@3bdUlkaed6r) September 23, 2014

The sky is full drones over Raqqa now

- Abdulkader Hariri (@3bdUlkaed6r) September 23, 2014

Raqqa was the site of a major early battle in the Syrian rebellion against President Bashar al-Assad. Hardline Islamist forces gained control of the town in March 2013; it was the first major victory for the rebels.

Airstrikes on the town may therefore be intended to affect morale as much as its strategic significance.

This is a developing story; please check back for updates.

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