Jumat, 04 April 2014

Sarah Jessica Parker Unleashes MAJOR Twitter Fury On Former Pro Mistress ...

Holy shizzles!

Do NOT, we repeat, Do NOT mess with Sarah Jessica Parker.

The usually tame and calm fashionista is serving up a helping of burrrrn on a woman all over Twitter!

It all started when relationship expert and former professional mistress (that's a career?) Sarah J. Symonds sent out a tweet. And while that tweet has since been deleted, it did not go unnoticed. SJP saw the tweet and that's when it all began.

While we're not sure what the exact tweet stated, we do know it involved SJP's kids as you can see from this screen cap of what comes up when both ladies' names are searched:

And whatever insult was dished out, it didn't sit well with SJP. She soon tweeted her brutal retaliation that couldn't have been said better:

Your anonymity doesn't diminish your outrageous and vulgar tweet. And your deletion only reveals your cowardice. @SarahJSymonds

- Sarah Jessica Parker (@SJP) April 3, 2014

I'm certain there isn't a woman on this planet who would support your specific kind of cruelty. No apology, no explanation. @SarahJSymonds

- Sarah Jessica Parker (@SJP) April 3, 2014

You should be ashamed @SarahJSymonds. I hope more people join me in voicing their objection to and holding accountable... (cont)

- Sarah Jessica Parker (@SJP) April 3, 2014

...uninformed and unkind women like yourself who find pleasure and delight in attacking other women. @SarahJSymonds

- Sarah Jessica Parker (@SJP) April 3, 2014

@katespencer @taryder @SarahJSymonds She knows what she said. When I responded ? She had the opportunity to be a civilized human being.

- Sarah Jessica Parker (@SJP) April 3, 2014

@katespencer @taryder @SarahJSymonds and perhaps apologize instead she deleted and ran for cover. Suffice to say, it was disgusting.

- Sarah Jessica Parker (@SJP) April 3, 2014


Miz Symonds should know you never mess with a momma bear!

While the full tweet remains a mystery for now...the woman who won this Twitter battle is obvious. Well said, SJP!

[ Image via WENN.]

Tags: apology, celebrity feuds, disgusting, mistress, sarah jessica parker, tweeted, twitter

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