Rabu, 25 Juni 2014

This is why you shouldn't take people's Facebook lives seriously

Everyone on Facebook looks like they're having a great time. Fun adventures, deep romances, amazing jobs. It's enough to make you feel inadequate, but it's also a lie. Nobody is really as happy as their Facebook wall claims, as this piercing short from HigtonBrothers confirms.

So the next time you're driven to jealousy by a Facebook friend's humblebragging about his or her awesome life, don't forget: They're probably embellishing (or faking) it for social media. And, in any case, the shitty stuff almost never gets posted.

The solution? Just go live your life, focus on your present reality, and ignore the circus of social media. Trust me, you'll be a lot happier.

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This 4-minute video gives strong arguments to explain why you should delete your Facebook account, from being a big waste of time to its new... Read more

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