Selasa, 25 November 2014

U of C student's threatening Facebook post not a hack, university says

The University of Chicago announced Monday that a student's threatening Facebook post thought to be a hack was the student's own, and that the account was not compromised at the time of its publishing.

According to the RedEye, the university had initially launched an investigation involving federal authorities following the explicitly hateful and threatening post.

But in an email Monday to the campus community, the university said that based on its investigation, 'We are now confident that the Facebook posting was not created by a hacker.'

The initial posting occurred after some students criticized fellow students for dressing in Halloween costumes that perpetuated offensive stereotypes of Latinos.

Vincente Perez, a 20-year-old University of Chicago student, told the RedEye he saw a student of Asian descent wearing a 'cholo costume,' describing a derogatory term for Mexican-American men.

Perez told him his costume was racist, and the next day, Perez and others began working to change the way diversity is understood on campus. They delivered a statement to university administrators about how that might be achieved, and when they didn't get the response the wanted, they began circulating an online petition.

Perez told RedEye that the Facebook account of one of his friends was hacked, and a threat that was posted mentioned Perez by name. The post, obtained by RedEye, states in part, 'Vincente you are next. None of your profiles are safe. This is the beginning of our rape season ... .'

'Whatever its purpose, the language used in this incident does not constitute discourse and will not be tolerated,' the university's announcement reads.

RedEye reported last week that the university said if the post was from a student, he or she would be disciplined and possibly expelled.

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