Sabtu, 19 April 2014

Twitter's New Ad Unit Is A Huge, Huge Deal. Here's Why.

As headlines go, 'Twitter Introduces Mobile App Promotion Suite' is a snoozer.

But the news announced this morning is actually a good deal more exciting than it sounds. It could translate into hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars in new revenue for Twitter in a very short space of time.

I say that because that's exactly what the introduction of a similar ad product did for Facebook. You'll recall that Facebook had essentially no ad revenue from mobile when it went public two years ago. Now, 53% of its $8 billion in annual revenues comes from mobile.

How did it ramp up so fast? Mobile app install ads aren't the full explanation, but they are the lion's share of it, at least according to an estimate from AdKnowledge CEO Ben Legg.

While no one but Facebook knows exactly how its revenues break down, AdKnowledge is in as good a position as any outsider, handling about 2% of all Facebook ad sales - 'billions of ads every day,' as Legg puts it. And in the first quarter of 2014, between 70% and 80% of what AdKnowledge's customers spent on Facebook was spent on app install ads, Legg says.

Now, AdKnowledge's data is probably not reflective of Facebook's ad mix as a whole. For one thing, its client base is heavy on video game and e-commerce companies, which are more likely to buy app install ads than brand ads. They're also ahead of the curve in shifting spending to mobile, putting 62% of their dollars there in the first quarter. When Facebook reports its earnings next week, it will likely reveal that 55% to 60% of its revenue came from mobile during that period.

Allowing for those differences Legg estimates that somewhere between 50% and 70% of Facebook's total mobile revenues came from app install ads. That would mean somewhere in the neighborhood of 30% to 40% of its total revenue derived from that one ad product - a product that has only been in existence for 20 months.

Twitter, of course, is only a fraction the size of Facebook, with fewer than a quarter as many users and only about one-eighth as much revenue. Still, if Facebook is indeed generating $2 billion or $3 billion a year from mobile app installs, it's easy to see how it could become a $1 billion business for Twitter in another year or two as well.

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