Selasa, 22 April 2014


Google+ and TIME teamed up to find beautiful pictures of our planet. Selections made by TIME's photo editors will be featured here.

Mars is nice and Jupiter has a big red spot, but there's no more gorgeous planet in the known galaxy than Earth. On a day when we tend focus on the threats to the Earth-which are many-we should also take time to celebrate the varied beauty found throughout our home. Google+ collected photos from around the world tagged with #MyBeautifulEarth, and TIME editors culled through the images to find the very best. The pictures that will appear below (we will be updating all day) are a visual reminder of the Earth's diversity, from fathomless oceans to glowing volcanoes to alpine glaciers. The only constants are color - and overwhelming beauty. This planet is a never-ending feast for the eyes, which is one more reason why we should try to take care of it, on Earth Day and every day.

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