Minggu, 20 April 2014

New video shows Josie Cunningham blaming "Twitter trolls" for her decision to ...

The wannabe celebrity tells the Sunday Mirror that she wants to just 'p*** off' people who have criticised her online

A second video has emerged of an interview with wannabe celebrity Josie Cunningham in which she blames what she calls Twitter trolls for her decision to have an abortion to further her career.

The 23-year-old from Leeds says bullies have motivated her and she wants to 'p*** 'em off'.

Speaking to the Sunday Mirror , she said: 'The trolls online have been quite a big part of the decision.

'They just make you doubt yourself and I just really want to prove 'em all wrong by doing things that are good for my career, like these big giant opportunities that are coming across. [I] just [want to] p*** 'em off.

'Beating the bullies sort of thing really.'

Answering whether having a baby would get in the way of all that, Josie responded: 'Yeah.

'Apart from that, like, I have got support of the child's dad, but, like, yer know, there's a tiny one per cent chance it could be this guy I slept with when I was escorting, but both the fathers want me to keep the baby, but the decision's mine and I have told them that really.'

In an earlier interview, while puffing on a cigarette and rubbing her baby bump, the controversial model and call girl - who will have her abortion at a clinic this week - said: 'I'm finally on the verge of becoming famous and I'm not going to ruin it now.

'An abortion will further my career. This time next year I won't have a baby. Instead, I'll be famous, driving a bright pink Range Rover and buying a big house. Nothing will get in my way.'

Josie, 23, is already 18 weeks pregnant by either an escort agency client or a Premier League footballer. But she claims her late life-or-death decision has nothing to do with who the father is.

She says it is based on the breakdown of negotiations with Channel 5 to appear on the reality show.

Josie - who caused outrage in 2013 when she demanded a £4,800 boob job on the NHS to become a glamour model - said: 'Channel 5 were keen to shortlist me then they found out I was pregnant.

'Then they suddenly turned cold. That was when I started considering an abortion. After the operation I will be going back to them and asking if they will still consider me.

'I've also had loads of other offers to further my career - and I'm not willing to give them up because I'm pregnant.'

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Nicholas Bowman / Sunday Mirror

The wannabe celeb says her career is worth more than the life of the unborn child - Nicola McLean vehemently disagreed

Unsurprisingly there's very little support for the 23-year-old on Twitter where one described it as a 'new low for humanity'

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