Sabtu, 19 April 2014

New Favorite Tumblr: Sad Desk Lunch

Do you eat lunch at your desk? I used to all the time, and still do occasionally. Sometimes, while answering emails and trying not to get bits of tuna salad all over my keyboard, I'd look down at my tupperware-strewn workspace, and the bag of vending machine peanut m&m's I was saving for dessert, and be like, 'Damn, this is bleak.' And now there's a Tumblr, Sad Desk Lunch, to document this fine tradition:

Sad Desk Lunch isn't about how great your lunch is. And it's not about how crappy your lunch is either. It's about the fact you eat your lunch at your desk during your lunch break where you could roam free. Step outside. Breathe a little. Americans have a tendency never to take their lunch break and sit around, munch on their sandwich at their desk.

After the jump, check out a few more Sad Desk Lunches, including a creative use for a Keurig machine. So depressing. So familiar. Oh, and you can submit your own SDL photos here. May God have mercy on your cold leftovers.

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