Senin, 14 April 2014

Girl aged 17 arrested over 'grossly offensive' Facebook comment about death of ...

James Lock was found dead near Olchfa School in Swansea on Thursday - police arrested the girl yesterday afternoon


Tribute: A shrine has been created in memory of James Lock near his school

A 17-year-old girl has been arrested over a 'grossly offensive' Facebook posted about the sudden death of a 15-year-old school pupil.

James Lock was found dead near Olchfa School in Swansea on Thursday.

The school was closed as a mark of respect and pupils created a nearby shrine in his memory, using school ties, flowers and messages.

Thousands also joined a Facebook group set up in James's memory.

On Friday, police said they were investigating 'grossly offensive' messages being shared online.

The teenage girl was arrested on Saturday afternoon.

She was questioned and released on police bail pending further enquiries.

Police said they are not looking for anybody else in relation to the matter.

A spokesman said: 'The public are reminded about their responsibilities to keep comments on social media within the law.

'Offensive posts can cause great distress and harm to those individuals and families who are targeted at a very distressing times in their lives.'

The girl was arrested under Section 127 of the Communications Act which prohibits the sending by means of electronic communications network, a message of a matter that is grossly offensive or causes any such matter to be sent.

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