Selasa, 22 April 2014

Did ESPN Suspend Darren Rovell From Using Twitter?

Serial tweeter Darren Rovell is off Twitter, at least for now.

On Sunday evening, the ESPN business reporter told his 460K followers:

I apologize for using poor judgment in my last tweet. It was insensitive.

- darren rovell (@darrenrovell) April 21, 2014

None of the ESPN sports business reporter's 68,182 career tweets, many of which have gotten him in trouble, have come since. A tipster tells us Rovell's sudden absence from Twitter is at ESPN's behest.

The tweet Rovell referenced, which has been deleted, contained a photo of an obese fan sitting in the front row of the Wizards/Bulls playoff opener with the caption, 'Cost of 2 courtside seats [to] tonight's Bulls game is $5K (H/T @mitchkatz)'

While no focused #CancelRovell movement had taken root by Easter Monday, the ESPN business reporter got blasted online for being a meanie. Asked if Rovell had suspended his Twitter activity on orders of his bosses, ESPN spokesman Josh Krulewitz said, 'We are addressing the matter with Darren.' Twitter bans aren't unheard of in Bristol; Bill Simmons himself earned a suspension from social media last year.

Rovell's Twitter silence deprived followers of his thoughts on Boston Marathon champion Meb Keflezighi, a subject on which he's chimed before.

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