Selasa, 22 April 2014

Brandi Maxiell addresses the Sundy Carter comment via Instagram [ PHOTO ]

For most women, young adult females, and girls they grow up with the dream of having a baby, and raising a family, and for one those dreams are very deep.

On Monday night's episode of Basketball Wives LA Sundy hit a nerve with co-star Brandi when she commented on Brandi's battle trying to have another child. Brandi who is a cancer survivor has one son, and desperately wants another baby.

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She addressed her fans via Instagram to thank them for all the love and support they have shown throughtout all the show drama.

Brandi wrote, 'I love you guys for all the support you have given me. It took me a long time to muster up the strength to even talk about my situation publicly. I want to apologize for the comments made on tonight's show. For anyone out there whose lives have been affected by this horrible disease, I'm sorry. I'm forever grateful for my miracle baby, I'm grateful for the breath that I have inside of me. I thank God everyday. I will continue to spread awareness and the importance of getting checked, because I would never want you to go through what I have to endure daily with checkups and struggles to have a child. My husband and my son are the reasons I have the motivation to keep pushing. Without them I'm nothing.'

She also posted a photo of signs and tips for Ovarian Cancer.

Brandi warned and educated her fans writing, 'To all my ladies this is for you. Know your symptoms NEVER EVER IGNORE. PUTTING it off for a day could cost your life. LADIES REPOST AND EDUCATE!! This is a SERIOUS MATTER.'

MStars wishes Brandi luck with her future plans.

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