Jumat, 18 April 2014

Biden Joins Instagram With Epic Obama Selfie

LANHAM, Md. (CBSDC) - Vice President Joe Biden joined Instagram in most appropriate fashion Wednesday - he took a selfie with President Barack Obama.

By early Thursday the photo had more than 22,100 likes on the photo sharing service. The photo was also posted by the vice president on Twitter and received more than 10,000 retweets during the same time.

Biden's Instram handle is simply 'vp'. The account is being run by his office, but Biden will do some of the posts himself, as evidenced by the selfie.

According to the profile page, Biden's posts will be signed '-VP'.

Other first day offerings included a shot of Biden's Ray Ban sunglasses, the vice president exiting Marine One prior to a speech in Pennsylvania, and a picture of Biden giving the actual speech.

More than 42,000 Instagram users had followed the account by early Thursday.

Biden is also on Twitter @JoeBiden. His 559,000 followers trail Obama by a very wide margin. The president boasts of having more than 42,500,000 followers of his @BarackObama Twitter account.

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