Sabtu, 19 April 2014

Best Of Instagram Street Photography

Photos by Anthony Danielle

Finding good photographs on Instagram can be hard. Finding photographers who consistently produce great work is even more difficult. In this 'Best Of Instagram' series I feature the work of talented, creative Instagramers from around the world who produce professional quality work that you should be following. Each installment focuses on a specific genre of photography, locale, or theme. Last time we looked at some amazing food photographers.

Today we take a look at four top street photographers who focus their trained eyes on the people and places of the cities they call home.

Anthony Danielle

Instagram feed: @takinyerphoto

Anthony Danielle has been active on Instagram since its launch in 2010. Taking advantage of the vibrant display that is New York City, Danielle has a keen eye for the fashion forward, documenting the urban catwalk in the tradition of photographers like Bill Cunningham. Although he owns a Canon DSLR, Danielle shoots exclusively with his iPhone for his Instagram feed and uses VSCO Cam to edit these images. As an early Instagram enthusiast, Danielle says he was, 'fortunate enough to connect with many of the creatives and influential users on the platform.' Leveraging those relationships into a business opportunity, he co-founded The Mobile Media Lab, an agency that connects brands with creative Instagramers to produce social media marketing campaigns.

You can see more of Danielle's work on Flickr.

Hannibal Renberg

Instagram feed: @leoleoparis

Frenchman Hannibal Renberg's love affair with photography goes back to his student days shooting with a Minolta SLR and developing rolls of film in his Paris apartment. Today, he shoots exclusively with an iPhone, documenting his fellow Parisians as they go about their daily lives. 'I love to walk the streets and try to catch the unusual, or find moments of emotion,' he says. 'I especially love the contrast between advertising and people.' Indeed, the fashion and beauty ads of Parisian window displays, bus stops and metro stations provide both humorous and poignant juxtapositions with Renberg's subjects. Shooting in black-and-white, Renberg favors Hipstamatic as his camera app and uses Snapseed to edit his images.

Renberg is an active participant in the French mobile community, serving as a judge in last year's Paris Mobile Photography Awards. His iPhone images have been exhibited in galleries, with a new show set to open in Paris next month.

Zun Lee

Instagram feed: @zunleephoto

Zun Lee's work has been featured in the New York Times' Lens blog, and he was recently honored as one of PDN's 30 emerging photographers to watch in 2014. Born and raised in Germany to Korean parents (only discovering in adulthood that his biological father was African-American), Lee had established a career as a physician in Toronto before turning to photography. Drawn to the storytelling nature of street photography, Lee's work conveys the sense of intimacy and shared personal space that are hallmarks of documentary photography. 'I often like to get close to my subjects to achieve a certain kind of palpable connection,' he says. 'Conveying that energy to the viewer is very important to me.' Lee's Instagram feed features many images from an ongoing series devoted to stereotype-defying depictions of African-American fatherhood. Lee shoots mostly with his iPhone, though you'll also find images captured with his Ricoh GRD, Nikon D700, and Olympus EM-5. His favorite editing tools include Snapseed and VSCO Cam.

You can view more of Lee's street and documentary work on his site.

Mike Kepka

Instagram feed: @cityexposed

Mike Kepka is an Emmy Award-winning photographer whose photojournalism career spans more than two decades. His Instagram feed showcases expertly composed glimpses of San Francisco and Oakland street scenes, all shot on his iPhone. Kepka relies on Hipstamatic and Oggl as well as the native camera app, and often uses Snapseed to edit the results. He prefers to shoot in black and white for his street photography. 'The images feel more pure to me. I feel it also adds a certain amount timelessness and cohesiveness to the images.' His aim is simply to capture, 'fleeting moment of lights and people that I serendipitously cross paths with.'

You can see more of Kepka's work on his own site as well as in his 'City Exposed' column for the online edition of the San Francisco Chronicle.

Previous installments in the series include 10 Instagram Photographers You Should Follow, Best Of Instagram Portrait Photography, and Best Of Instagram Food Photography. Who are your favorite Instagramers? Let us know in the comments section or reach out to me via Twitter, and we may feature them in upcoming installments.

-You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and subscribe to my Forbes feed.

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