Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

Suit up! New Instagram trend turns babies into mini businessmen

Courtesy Ilana Wiles of Mommy Shorts

A new baby meme is sure to suit your fancy.

Mommy blogger Ilana Wiles, who was the brains behind the ' Baby Mugging ' craze, has created another adorable Instagram trend - Baby Suiting.

Baby Suiting involves putting infants in adult business clothes and snapping their picture.

Wiles, who runs the blog Mommy Shorts, said she is always on the lookout for another fun photo trend for social media savvy parents.

Courtesy Ilana Wiles of Mommy Shorts

'Originally, I wanted to dress them up to look like the characters in Mad Men but women's clothing really didn't work,' she told the Daily News. 'The suits were much funnier. Something about the big padded shoulders made them all look like that scene in Beetlejuice with the shrunken head.'

Wiles posted her first baby-in-a-suit photo to Instagram and asked her followers to help her coin a creative hashtag.

'There were over 250 name ideas and I settled on #babysuiting because it was a nice piggyback to #babymugging,' she said.

Courtesy Ilana Wiles of Mommy Shorts

Among the rejected hashtags were #biznizbabies, #robford and #beetlejuicing.

The New York mom of two said she hadn't seen babies in suits before, although readers did send her links to other examples of tots in adult clothes.

'I guess, in order for a photo trend to take off, you need a combination of elements - A fun concept executed well, a large platform with a relevant audience, and a good name,' she said.

Looking to suit up your baby? Take a button-down shirt, suit jacket (or blazer) and, if you are going for the businessman look, a tie. Put the shirt inside the jacket, and slip the tie under the collar. Then place the suit on the ground.

The next step is to put your baby - Wiles recommends 'an immobile one' - in the suit.

'Whisper sweet nothings as you fasten the buttons, tie the tie, and carefully arrange the jacket. (It's like a swaddle!),' she continues in her instructions.

Wiles then encourages everyone to share their pictures with the tags @mommyshorts and, of course, #babysuiting. They can also be shared on the Mommy Shorts Facebook page.

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