As announced in September, YouTube has finally upgraded its commenting system, adding a new format for threaded replies, Google+ integration and better sorting into the mix.
Before this change, YouTube comments were merely a long, disorganized list, with no way to follow the conversation and only the most basic moderation.
Now, by default, at the top you'll see comments from people in your Google+ Circles, video creators and popular personalities. If Lady Gaga has something to say about her own video, you'll likely see that comment near the top. Comments with many likes and replies will also be near the top, but if you just want to see the freshest crop of comments, you can choose 'Newest First'.
Replies are threaded, and you can report any comment for spam or abuse. Video creators also have a special set of tools for comment moderation: they can remove a comment, report it for abuse or ban the user from a channel.
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Image via Flickr, Rego Korosi
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