Senin, 11 November 2013

YouTube's changed commenting system doesn't get many 'likes' from users

Google recently changed the commenting system on its video site YouTube, in a bid to personalise the service. However, it hasn't gone down well with many users who find it the search giant's another aim at targeting advertising.

The comments posted on YouTube were often in bad taste, and prompted action from the search giant to take charge.

In Mashable's Op-Ed, the author suggests that the changes were earlier cheered by users with Google aiming to bring more popular and engaging comments to the top, alongside comments from people users actually know.

However, users are increasingly abandoning the act of commenting altogether because of the mandatory Google+ sync for posting anything on the site.

The author pointed that one cannot reply to old comments, even ones made just hours before the new system kicked in.

Some 54,000 users have also signed a petition asking the company to go back to its old comments system, while another song in protest goes with a catchy chorus 'F*** you Google+' and YouTube's own co-founder is questioning the search giant for the prerequisite of having a Google+ account.

The author further said that Google's constant push for users to sign up for its Google+ social network is no social network at all, and it makes the company look like an overzealous, overly desperate cruise director.

However, the Op-Ed applauds YouTube for taking the step against comments filled with more than their share of bigotry, bullying, spam, shaming and trolling adding that the entire culture of anonymous commenting on videos needed to go.

The author stresses that YouTube comments were an exercise in free speech, but a layer of civility is desirable in any discourse, adding that unfettered free speech is always better than silence.

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