Selasa, 12 November 2013

A High School Coach Was Fired For This Facebook Photo

Local 8 NewsThere are definitely things that, if posted on Facebook, can (and maybe should) get you fired. Evidence of criminality or a drug problem, for instance.

But this image of Laraine Cook, a former girls basketball coach for Pocatello High School in the town of Pocatello, Idaho, falls into a different category.

She was fired in October after it was posted to Facebook in July. The photo was on Facebook for less than 24-hours, she told Local News 8 in a video interview. It's a picture of her and her fiance taken on a family vacation, in swimsuits, near a lake. He's touching her breast.

Her fiance is also a high school coach in the same school district.

He was reprimanded but not fired.

Double standard? The district told Cook the reason she was fired, and he was not, was because the photo was posted to her Facebook account, not his. The district deemed it an 'immoral' photo.

She has filed a formal protest and hopes to get her job back.

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