Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014

Zuckerberg Seeks Revenge As Facebook Sues Paul Ceglia's Lawyers

An indictment isn't enough. I want Ceglia's lawyers. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Back in 2011, my colleague Kashmir Hill wrote a piece titled 'Paul Ceglia to Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg: Bring It On.'

Facebook did just that, digging up evidence the convicted felon had a history of dubious financial behavior and may have falsified the 2003 contract he said promised him 84% of the social-networking firm. Ceglia was indicted for fraud over the allegations in 2012, and now Facebook and Zuckerberg are going after the lawyers they say helped perpetrate the scheme, including the prominent international law firm of DLA Piper and class action specialists Milberg LLC.

In suing the lawyers suing it, Facebook joins others including Chevron and an Alabama coal magnate who have turned to the courts to exact punishment against lawyers they say were using meritless litigation as an shakedown tool. It's an aggressive strategy that faces enormous hurdles, given the traditional deference U.S. courts give to lawyers pursuing the zealous representation of their clients. In order to win under New York law, Facebook must show not only that Ceglia's lawsuit was without merit, but that his lawyers possessed enough information to know that before filing suit.

But much of the evidence in the case was dug up by lawyers at Gibson Dunne, the same firm that brought woe to attorney Steven Donziger as well as the prominent Washington law firm of Patton Boggs for suing Chevron over environmental damage in the Ecuadorean jungle. Chevron sued Donziger for racketeering and fraud and used those proceedings to uncover reams of evidence supporting allegations he had a hand in creating the evidence used to secure a multibillion-dollar judgment in Ecuador.

Facebook's lawsuit filed in state court in New York accuses three partners at DLA Piper of taking on Ceglia's case after it was shopped to numerous firms with a letter reminding them of the lucrative outcome of similar litigation by the Winklevoss twins. They agreed to represent Ceglia and filed an amended complaint in 2011, Facebook says, despite a warning from former co-counsel on the case, Kasowitz Benson, that the contract purporting to give Ceglia a majority stake in Facebook was a fake.

A Kasowitz partner discovered this after finding the original contract from April 2003 on Ceglia's computer, Facebook says, which contained no mention of Facebook. The contract he cited in his lawsuit seeking a piece of the company did name Facebook, but on a page with different fonts and spacing than the original contract from his laptop, the lawsuit says.

What gives the lawsuit teeth is Facebook says DLA Piper lawyers knew all this because Kasowitz Partner Aaron Marks warned them in a letter dated two days after the amended complaint was filed in April 2011 that the contract likely was a fake and the lawyers should be mindful of their duties under New York law not to present false evidence in court.

DLA Piper ultimately withdrew from the case, but only after Partner Robert Brownlie, co-chair of the firm's securities litigation practice, strongly defended his client and said anybody who claimed the case was fraudulent 'will come to regret those claims,' the lawsuit says. No one from DLA Piper was immediately available to comment.

Facebook, in a statement to reporters, said:

We said from the beginning that Paul Ceglia's claim was a fraud and that we would seek to hold those responsible accountable. DLA Piper and the other named law firms knew the case was based on forged documents yet they pursued it anyway, and they should be held to account.

Holding firms to account is a popular strategy, but one American courts tend to discourage because it can be used as a tool itself to threaten less powerful adversaries.

'It can chill the zeal of good-faith, honest attorneys,'said Stephen Burbank, a civil procedure expert at the University of Pennsylvania Law School who helped write the federal rules governing sanctions for frivolous litigation. 'There are those who argue we never would have had a Brown vs. the Board of Education ' if the lawyers who brought that case were subject to personal liability, he said.

The difficulty is separating meritless cases from marginal ones, he said. In the 1980s, the federal rules of civil procedure were rewritten to make lawyers liable for any court filing, with disastrous effects on smaller law firms, he said. The real goal was to import a loser-pays system like the one in the U.K. into the U.S., he said, but that is an improper use of the disciplinary process.

The Facebook case is based on tort law, not discipline, but it has the same purpose: To make lawyers think twice about bring dubious cases, because it can cost them money in the end. Ceglia has probably already learned that lesson, and DLA Piper and Milberg may be next.

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