Kamis, 23 Oktober 2014

Jawbone is launching Drop, a playlist service that lets friends suggest songs ...

It looks like Jawbone is preparing to launch a new music service, called Drop, at Twitter's Flight mobile developer conference today. Based on Jawbone's own description, Drop would let users play music on Spotify or Rdio and then solicit song requests from their Twitter followers.

We first came across the service after the official Twitter Flight account asked attendees to request songs for the event. After I suggested a song, Jawbone's Drop account responded with a link to drop.jawbone.com, which isn't live yet.

We did manage to find what appears to be a test version of the service. The interface allowed me to choose a song to drop as a tweet to a specific user. Clicking on the link from my iPhone took me to the Twitter app with a pre-composed tweet.

Here's the official description of Drop from the page source (which refers to an iPhone app, but not Android):

DROP by Jawbone plays an instant mix based on your favorite songs from Spotify or Rdio, and take song requests from your friends through Twitter.Reply back with a song you want to play!'

There service appears to have arisen from Playground.fm, a playlist service that Jawbone acquired late last year.

We're still piecing together how Drop will work, but we don't have long to wait, as Jawbone and Twitter will likely unveil the service at Flight later today. We've reached out to both companies and will update if we hear back.

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