Selasa, 23 September 2014

How to Find Your Drafts and Lists in Twitter's New iPhone App

Image: Mashable, Christina Ascani

Twitter released an iOS 8 friendly update last week that included a new profile design and interactive notifications.

But although the most noticeable change was the revamped profiles, many users are unhappy with parts of the update - largely because it changes the location of draft tweets and lists.

Luckily, both are still accessible. Here's how to find them.

The change users seem to be most confused by is drafts, whose new location in the iOS app is not immediately obvious. So much so, in fact, some users seem to think the folder has been removed entirely.

So how do I find my drafts on this new look Twitter app? If a tweet doesn't post does that mean I just have to keep doing it again?

- Nick Duckworth (@nickyducky) September 22, 2014

Did the drafts section disappear with the new update for the Twitter app? There's a game changing tweet that got stuck there this morning.

- Lolita Covita (@laura_cov) September 22, 2014

In fact, there are now two ways to access your drafts in the iOS 8 Twitter app. The simplest is to hold down the compose icon in the top right corner of the app, which brings up your drafts folder, but you can also find drafts in Twitter's main compose menu under the quill icon in the bottom right corner of the app.

For anyone confused about where lists live in the new Twitter app: lists can be found under the settings menu on your profile page. From there, you'll see tabs for the lists you're subscribed to and the lists you're a member of.

Similarly, if you want to view another user's public lists, open the settings menu from their profile to display the lists they are members of and those they are subscribed to.

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