Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2014

Meet two

Adorable Pixie Curtis sits perched posing by an empty pool at a luxury villa sipping at a non alcoholic cocktail with the air of a millionaire actress


Meet Pixie Curtis the 'Instagram Princess' who has her own business and lives a jet setting lifestyle despite being just TWO years old.

Adorable Pixie has become a huge hit on the picture sharing website where she has hundreds of photographs showing off her lavish lifestyle.

In one she sits dressed in shades and a sun hat, perched posing by an empty pool at a luxury villa sipping at a non alcoholic cocktail with the air of a millionaire actress.

Other images include her relaxing on a private jet, showing off her bling and shopping at some of the finest luxury stores money can buy.

Her mother, Roxy Jacenko, is an Australian socialite who runs her own PR company while her father, Oliver Curtis, is an investment banker.

Instagram / pixiecurtis

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Roxy told Mirror Online: 'With the hours my husband and I work it's the best way to make sure that we get to spend as much time as we can with her as we work long hours.

'We work seven days a week and 12-14 hour days a week - so the lifestyle is something that doesn't come easy by any stretch, its blood sweat and tears.'

But hard work seems to run in the family, Pixie has recently launched her own brand Pixies Pix to sell hair bows.

Her mum added: 'She often pops into the offices to visit after school - I wouldn't say she is much of a help when it comes to dispatching them but she makes up for it with her humour!'

Instagram / pixiecurtis

Chilling: Pixie gets ready to take a nap mid-flight

Outside of school, Pixie spends most of her time relaxing on Bondi Beach, visiting zoos and attending ballet classes - that's in between her globe trotting routine.

Roxy, who ghost writes Pixie's Instagram, said: 'I suppose as a 2 year old everything is exciting, she doesn't know any different, everything is new and an experience for her.

'And that's my aim, to give her as much knowledge as I can as her mum and with that hope that she makes the most of it as she grows up.'

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