Kamis, 07 Agustus 2014

A New Tumblr Documents the Many Failings of Public Screens

We live in a world of screens, each of which we expect to be smart and useful.

And, yet, every one of us has encountered a screen that has failed. For instance, here's something I met up with in an airport not so long ago, when I paused at a kiosk with the hope of getting the latest departure details for my flight:

(Rob Walker/Yahoo Tech)

Yeah, I know: Glitchy airport screens are definitely a First World problem. But, a highly entertaining Tumblr that evidently originates from Japan has recognized that failed screens are kind of a thing, and worth documenting.

And thus: Error Message Screen, a Tumblr.

Write to me at rwalkeryn@yahoo.com or find me on Twitter, @notrobwalker. RSS lover? Paste this URL into your reader of choice: http://ift.tt/1frHMT0. (Photos via Error Message Screen)

The premise is so implicit in the title it hardly needs clarification, but it's an online collection of public screens - failing.

Maybe you can relate?

You can get more Error Message Screens at the Tumblr here or, probably, at an airport near you.

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