Jumat, 27 Juni 2014

When Did Nazi Insults Spike On Twitter During USA

Twitter users were already throwing around the word 'Nazi' plenty before Germany-U.S. kicked off, but how about during the game? To find out, from 11:35 a.m. to 12:03 p.m. we recorded tweets and retweets that contained the word 'Nazi' or 'Nazis' (not case sensitive). We pulled 30,209 in total, or 3.4 'Nazi's per second.

The chart above shows when these tweets occurred, broken into 15-second bins. There's definitely some baseline 'Nazi' usage in here, and plenty of meta commentary, too, but the spike at Germany's goal-when 'Nazi' topped 20 tweets per second-speaks for itself. Smaller spikes can be seen when Jones collided with the ref ...

The referee is also a nazi for taking out Jermaine Jones #illuminati

- Nicholas (@Nick_Bae_Gonzo) June 26, 2014

... when Beckerman received a yellow ...

Kyle if you're gonna get a yellow atleast draw some Nazi blood

- Josh Parisotto (@JoshParisotto) June 26, 2014

... after the ref raised his hand in a way somewhat similar to a Nazi salute ...

The game is fixed look at this ref bra... He a Nazi 😩 http://ift.tt/1pVsTKW

- Ryan (@ClutchLikeMJ) June 26, 2014

... and when the U.S., in the end, succumbed to the Germans:

USA still goes through! So for the third time, the nazis lose again

- Drew (@DougDimmadome35) June 26, 2014

Also of note: 3.1 percent of 'Nazi' tweets contained 'that coming,' completing an excruciatingly dumb pun.

Thanks to computermacgyver, whose Github-hosted tweet scraper we used for this project.

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