Selasa, 24 Juni 2014

Now You Can Add GIFs to Twitter via Giphy Link, Too

Twitter is the gift that keeps on GIF-ing.

The site has collaborated with Giphy, an aggregate GIF site, to offer users two new ways to upload the looping animations.

Starting June 23, users can sync their Giphy accounts to their Twitter accounts and tweet GIFs directly from If they don't have an account (which is free to make), they can simply tweet Giphy links, which will embed GIFs into Twitter cards.

Twitter first announced GIF support on June 18, delighting its millions of users. At that point, users could add GIFs via Twitter by accessing the site directly.

For the past two months, though, Giphy's worked with the social media site to help enable stronger GIF support. The company was also involved in Twitter's initial rollout.

'Twitter reached out to us when they were developing direct GIF uploads to see if we would like to beta test their endpoints and also possibly be a launch partner,' Adam Leibson, Giphy's director of strategy, tells Mashable.

The site is currently 'aggregating every known GIF on the Internet, which we estimate at over 1 billion,' Leibson says. That's a lot of endlessly looping cats, pizzas and animated memes.

How to upload GIFs with Giphy:

Directly from Giphy: Underneath every GIF is an option to post to Twitter. Click the icon, authenticate your account and Giphy will add the GIF to your tweet, similar to other third party media apps like Twitpic.

Using a link: Once you find the GIF you want, copy and paste the Giphy link into your tweet. It will 'turn into a GIF via our inline Twitter Card,' Leibson says.

You can also upload your own GIFs to Giphy. The new features are completely compatible with mobile, though Leibson says there's no Giphy app (and no plans for one, either).

GIF away, Twitter users. GIF away.

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