Jumat, 04 April 2014

Why Facebook Is Spending Billions On Companies It Doesn't Need

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As the dust settles on Facebook 's $2BN purchase of virtual reality headset maker Oculus Rift last week this remains the question on everyone's lips. What's more it is the second time we've made this exclamation in as many months after Facebook spent a seemingly ludicrous amount of money ($19BN) on WhatsApp. Look a little further back and the pattern repeated itself when Facebook spent $1BN acquiring Instagram.

Each time the deal has become more outlandish. While photo and video centric, Instagram looked to be a social network Facebook was destined to squash. While WhatsApp messenger has seen incredible growth it remained half size of Facebook Messenger with no long term commercial strategy and, in just 52 staff, appeared the most expensive acqui-hire in history. Finally spending $2BN on Oculus Rift bought a company focused on a completely different industry (video games) which had yet to release a commercial product.

Why? Why? Why?

In fairness just about everyone has taken a punt at answering these questions. For example, WhatsApp's potential to give Facebook access to the next billion users in developing nations via its tie to mobile phone numbers. Oculus Rift's ability to launch Facebook's social network into the gaming sector and even offer a virtual reality networking experience to users on its site. Meanwhile the speculation at the time of the Instagram purchase was Facebook had just paid one billion dollars to improve its photo sharing.

Surprisingly everyone is right. All the speculation is right. Facebook could use these purchases to do any of them at any time and the speed with which technology changes means we shouldn't poke fun at them. But - and here's the rub - they all answer the wrong 'why'. The question is not what projects might Facebook dream up for its seemingly disconnected gaggle of overpriced companies, but why it has a gaggle of overpriced companies in the first place?

The answer is simple, yet overlooked: Facebook has become a conglomerate. As the world's largest social network Facebook doesn't need any of these companies. As Facebook Inc. they are invaluable.

If this sounds alien it is understandable. Conglomerates are relatively rare in the tech sector and where they do exist they are low key. For those needing a definition: conglomerates are a combination of multiple corporations, often engaged in very different businesses, which fall under one corporate group.

This isn't how tech golden boys like Apple , Google and Microsoft work. It is how Pfizer , Transamerica and Gulf+Western work. The tech giants look to mince and mash their acquisitions into the corporate mother ship, often sacrificing the original company to bolster a small part of their empire.

By stark contrast the (arguably more sane) giants in other sectors realise the potential damage of plastering their name all over everything they own like the seagulls out of Finding Nemo. They buy winning companies, stoke the fires with their huge corporate funds and tell them to keep doing what they're doing. Just like Facebook has done with Instagram and promised it will do with both Whatsapp and Oculus Rift.

Sure everyone's fear is Whatsapp will become swamped with dating ads and Oculus Rift refocused to Farmville and 3D Like buttons, but such conjoining moves would only make each less than the current sum of their parts. In an era where Whatsapp was able to grow to 400m users in three years it would also leave doors dangerously ajar for lightning fast rivals.

Furthermore the move towards conglomeration also stems from a wise but long overdue realisation from Mark Zuckerberg: not everyone likes Facebook. More than that there is a significant proportion of people who are alienated by anything Facebook touches. Given that not buying anything isn't an option, buying then supporting its purchases is not only more valuable long term, it also helps restore trust and credibility in Facebook as a business.

All of which significantly recasts Facebook's purchases: Instagram was about buying a rival and making it a stable mate, Whatsapp was about owning the service which reaches markets Facebook Messenger doesn't and Oculus Rift is about owning the company best equipped to (quite literally) change the face of gaming. Such logic would line up future purchases like Spotify and Tesla and I'd be surprised if it didn't have more than a passing interest in Nest but decided to save funds for the more immediate benefits of Whatsapp.

Facebook is growing up. From a corporate perspective it is growing up faster than any other technology company. But when the next big purchase comes the question will still arise: 'Why?! That's got nothing to do with Facebook.'

And Facebook Inc. will whisper under its breath ' Exactly.'

More on Forbes5 Key Reasons WhatsApp Is Worth $19bn - To FacebookFacebook Plays The Long Game With $2 Billion Bet On Oculus Rift

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