Selasa, 04 Maret 2014

Tumblr Thinks Losing Leo Is Elsa From 'Frozen'

Leonardo DiCaprio lost the Oscar for Best Actor, which according to Tumblr means that he is Elsa from Frozen.

While the Internet has mourned Leo's lose in various ways, our favorite meme to emerge is the one that compares Leo's struggle to that of the heroine from the winning Disney movie. Never mind that it doesn't make much sense-the immensely successful DiCaprio isn't much like the magical queen who is exiled from her homeland after revealing her powers-it's hilarious. One Tumblr user even rewrote the lyrics to winning song 'Let it Go,' Elsa's big power ballad, to be about Leo's loss. Here it is from the bridge onwards:

My problem flurries through Twitter, through the laughs, My Oscar is a myth social network cracks jokes about That one gold statue stands like a mocking dream I'm never getting that, so make more memes of thaaat

Let it go, let it go, Memes will rise at the break of dawn, Let it go, let it go, That dream to win is gone!

Here I stand, in the heart of jokes Let the memes rage ooon

The Oscars never bothered me anyway.

Other Tumblr users simply went for visual representation:






For what it's worth, at least one Tumblr user decided to compare Leo to the other heroine of Frozen, Elsa's unlucky-in-love sister Anna:


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